Managed IT & Cybersecurity Services

From augmenting your internal IT team to providing end-to-end IT support, our Managed IT & Cybersecurity Services offer flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Managed IT & Cybersecurity Services for On-Premises, Cloud, and Hybrid environments.

Solutions custom-fit to your operational needs and business growth.

Get proactive with Managed IT Services

Business today depends on a robust, reliable, and secure technology infrastructure. Organizations of all sizes require enterprise-grade security, monitoring, and proactive support from their Managed IT services provider. 

You must also plan for supporting, maintaining, and growing your technology foundation to keep pace with the growth of your business and the changing technology landscape.

Go Beyond Break-Fix Support

Our approach to Managed IT and Cybersecurity Services goes beyond break-fix technical support to a single-source IT partner—so you can focus on the things that matter for your business. 

Our methodology encompasses OnboardingEnd-User Support, Infrastructure ManagementCybersecurity Services, and Strategy to not only maintain what you have today but help your business forge a path to greater success through technology.

End-User Support

We understand the importance of providing exceptional end-user support to ensure your business operates smoothly. With our comprehensive End-User Support, you can focus on your core business activities while we handle the technical aspects. Our knowledgeable team is here to provide you with peace of mind and confidence that your IT infrastructure is in capable hands.

Our comprehensive End-User Support offering encompasses the following key features:

Infrastructure Management

Robust infrastructure management plays a critical role in ensuring the stability, security, and performance of your business operations. With our comprehensive Infrastructure Management services, you can trust that your IT infrastructure is in capable hands. We strive to optimize the performance, reliability, and security of your systems, allowing you to focus on your core business objectives with confidence.

As part of our comprehensive services, we offer the following Infrastructure Management features:

24/7 Monitoring of All Managed Servers and Cloud Infrastructure

We take a proactive approach to infrastructure management by continuously monitoring your on-prem and cloud servers, switches, firewalls, wireless access points, and other supporting infrastructure components. Our monitoring systems operate round the clock, allowing us to detect and address potential issues before they impact your business. This ensures that your infrastructure remains reliable and accessible at all times.

Regular Firmware and Software Updates to All Managed Infrastructure

To maintain optimal performance and security, we regularly update the firmware and software of your managed infrastructure. By staying up-to-date with the latest patches and upgrades, we ensure that your systems are protected against vulnerabilities and leverage the latest features and enhancements available.

Management of Backup Systems, Including Backup Software Licenses as Applicable

Data protection is crucial for any business. We manage your backup systems, ensuring that your critical data is regularly and securely backed up. Additionally, we handle the necessary backup software licenses, ensuring that you have the appropriate tools to effectively safeguard your data assets.

Annual Disaster Recovery Testing for Critical Systems

To mitigate the impact of unforeseen events, we conduct annual disaster recovery testing for your critical systems. By simulating real-life scenarios, we verify the effectiveness and reliability of your disaster recovery plan. This proactive approach allows us to identify and address any potential gaps or weaknesses, ensuring that your business can swiftly recover in the event of a disruption.

Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM)

Our Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) system enables us to efficiently monitor and manage your infrastructure remotely. This includes the continuous monitoring of your managed cloud infrastructure, ensuring its availability, performance, and security. Our dedicated team keeps a watchful eye on your cloud environment, providing proactive support and prompt resolution of any issues that may arise.

Cybersecurity Services

It is critical to safeguard your organization’s sensitive data and ensure a secure digital environment. With our Cybersecurity Services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your organization’s digital infrastructure and sensitive data are protected against a wide range of threats. 

As part of our comprehensive services, we provide a wide range of Cybersecurity Services, including:

Learn More With These Related Insights and Resources

Our Customer Onboarding Process

Unlike providers with a one-size-fits-all approach, we understand the importance of aligning IT strategies with your business goals. Our IT consulting services help you make informed decisions, enabling agile and scalable solutions for your devices and environment. 


QMS Consulting Services
  • Technology Questionnaire
  • Obtain contact information and a VIP list
  • Identify pain points, LOB apps, critical elements
  • Define project timeline and expectations
  • Review the welcome letter and how to contact support
  • Conduct on-site assessment
  • Deliver documentation


MITS Onboarding Configuration - Managed IT Services
  • Ticket management system, other back-office systems
  • RMM Agent
  • Knowledgebase creation
  • Licenses to Abel’s portals/tenants
  • Update passwords
  • Other tasks based on findings in Collection phase


MITS Onboarding Collaboration - Managed IT Services
  • Review findings from the Collection phase
  • Plan and implement changes
  • Identify and resolve issues
  • Evaluate policies and processes
  • Train Abel Solutions IT support staff based on specific client specifications and configurations


MITS Onboarding Production - Managed IT Services
  • Support goes live
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance
  • Advice and stewardship
  • Frequent follow-up
  • Scheduled and on-demand reports
  • Quarterly business review

Introducing our Managed IT & Cybersecurity Services Basic Package

The comprehensive solution for businesses seeking a robust and hassle-free IT experience.

In addition to the exceptional End-User Support, Infrastructure Management, and Cybersecurity services outlined above, this package goes above and beyond to provide you with additional benefits.

Our per-device Managed Services model combines IT support and cybersecurity services, ensuring comprehensive coverage across your entire digital operations, from desktop to mobile devices, on-prem servers to cloud, and the underlying infrastructure.

You’ll be assigned a dedicated Technology Alignment Manager who will serve as your primary point of contact. They will work closely with you to align your technology goals with your business objectives, ensuring that your IT infrastructure fully supports your needs and drives your success.

To ensure ongoing optimization and improvement, we conduct regular Strategic Business Reviews. These assessments help us identify opportunities for enhancing your IT environment, addressing pain points, and streamlining operations, ensuring that your technology continuously evolves alongside your business.

You’ll also enjoy a discounted hourly rate for projects. Whether you’re planning upgrades, expansions, or custom IT initiatives, our team of experts will provide high-quality services at a reduced rate, enabling you to achieve more within your budget.

Stay a step ahead of cyber threats with Cybersecurity-as-a-Service.

While several Cybersecurity Services are included with every Managed IT Services engagement, we also offer Cybersecurity-as-a-Service for end-to-end cybersecurity needs.