
The Case for Microsoft Teams

Stop, Collaborate What does collaboration look like at your organization? What should collaboration look like? Does your organization’s software empower and enhance collaboration or impede it? At Abel Solutions, we feel strongly that Microsoft Teams is the ultimate answer for fast, fluid collaboration for the startup or the enterprise. It appears others agree, as Teams…


Think you don’t need to backup your Office 365 data? Think again…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is easy to understand why some believe it is unnecessary to backup Office 365 data. To be sure, Microsoft provides some helpful features out-of-the-box that can help protect your data. However, these features will not provide business continuity nor cover every data backup and recovery scenario your company will encounter. As the figure below…


Is Your Organization Leveraging AI?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]More than Sci-Fi Undoubtedly, you’ve heard the buzz about Artificial Intelligence for some time now. You’ve seen photos of self-driving cars, you’ve chatted with Cortana, Siri, and Alexa. But perhaps “real” AI still feels impending, like tomorrow’s weather forecast that keeps getting postponed. Hype and publicity centered on a broad concept can leave you with…


Business Process Automation Pitfalls to Avoid

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Automation Helps the Bottomline In the Digital Transformation era automation is crucial to an organization’s growth and success. To stay competitive today you must automate and streamline. However, there are many mistakes to avoid when tackling business process automation in your organization to ensure it is a successful and beneficial transition. Failing to Define…


Better Results from Big Data using Power BI

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] A Proven Tool If you haven’t heard, Microsoft announced in February 2019 that “Gartner Recognizes Microsoft as a leader in Analytics and BI Platforms for 12 consecutive years.” This latest analysis continues the trend of Microsoft’s Power BI platform as a powerhouse tool with the capability to model and analyze data that can be…


What’s the plan? Creating a catalyst for transformation.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Strategic planning has been a discipline practiced by many organizations to maximize their effectiveness. Strategic planning is not new or novel; it got its start in the 1960s and is still ubiquitous amongst high performing, successful organizations. Strategic planning is defined as a disciplined effort…


Digital Transformation is here; are you leading the way?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is one the “catch phrases” tossed about when discussing Office 365.  What exactly does digital transformation entail?  Specifically, it is the reimagining of how technology works to empower people with data and processes that creates value and maintains a competitive advantage in the digital-first world. Within three years,…


What does SharePoint 2019 offer your business?

With the release of SharePoint Server 2019 to the general public late last year, Microsoft is continuing its strategy of implementing new functionality in Office 365 first then rolling it down to on-premises versions over time.  Therefore, most of the enhancements in the latest version for on-premises SharePoint farms will look familiar to those who have experience using SharePoint in Office 365. SharePoint 2019…