eBook: Your Microsoft 365 Data Isn't as Safe as You Think
You might, like most people, believe that Microsoft 365 protects your data completely.
But it’s not true.
Most SaaS providers, such as Microsoft 365, protect your data against infrastructure-related threats, but not from several major causes of data loss.
Microsoft follows the shared responsibility model, which means you are solely responsible for the security and integrity of your data, endpoints, accounts and access management.
Unintentional deletions, malevolent insiders, and many other factors could wipe out your essential business data.
What should your organization do to safeguard your Microsoft 365 data?
Download our eBook to learn more about:
Microsoft 365 Data Myths
How Data Loss Occurs in Cloud Applications
How to Protect Your Organization’s Microsoft 365 Data
How to Ensure Microsoft 365 Data Recoverability
Download our free eBook.